Feb 8, 2009

"Teach him gently, world, but do not coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.
This is a bigger, world, but see what you can do.He is such a nice son."

Abraham Lincoln's words weigh heavy on my mind as i stand outside the gate of my school watching young,excited kids entering the school.The same school where i was a student once,which taught me all the virtues of life,and a school whose beats still resonates with my heart.

If memories are sweet companions,this school gave me millions of them. If friends are pillars of strength,i am lucky to have made many of them here.If teachers are the ladders to success,i climbed many of those wonderful ladders.If achievements are beautiful flowers,i plucked
many of them.If failures are thorns,i had my bit of share as well.But this school has been good to me.When i rejoiced,they celebrated with me.When i cried,their caring hands consoled me.When i won they patted me and when i lost they beleived in me.

Once when i refused to take a penalty in the State Football Championships,I got a hard slap across my face,from my football coach.Three years hence,at the same championships,I got the "Best Penalty Taker Of The Tournament".Guess,amongst those clapping hands,which were the most thunderous? I CAN GUESS TODAY.

When I was rebuked for not polishing my shoes into the divinity of white,I protested."As if you make mirror out of shoes",I rejected the flawed logic.But the rules of the world of Respected men ought to be followed. I UNDERSTAND THAT TODAY.

When I lost out on a scholarship to a Principal's son,they made sure i wasn't depressed.They had an unflinching sense of beleif in me and in the time to come,I tried and make sure this beleif manifested into results they expected out of me.Can those few bucks of scholarship match those results? I KNOW THE ANSWER TODAY.

When i overstepped the line ,they were harsh with me. I KNOW THE REASON TODAY.

When my gradesheets didn't reflect their expectations, they were angry. I APPRECIATE THAT ANGER TODAY.

When i had thumping achievements, they celebrated with me. I REMEMBER THOSE CELEBRATIONS TODAY.

When my shoulders dropped,they were always there to offer sincere words of advice. I RECOLLECT THOSE ADVICES TODAY.

When i had an arguemment with my friend, they made me see the reasons. I LOVE THOSE REASONS TODAY.

They taught me that an educated man is the one who manages well the circumstances of day,who is honourable in his dealings,who hold his pleasures for something bigger and to top it all who is not spoiled by his success.Those who have a character in accord with all these

My dear friends,learning needs freedom to think and freedom to imagine and both have to be facilitated by the teacher.They are the backbone of any country,the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into realities.A teacher creates a lifelong autonomous learner and to do
that they simply have to be the best minds of the country.A teacher is like a ladder,it is used by everyone to climb up in life,but the ladder it'self stays in place. I KNOW MY TEACHERS TODAY.

Thank you,My dear Teachers for making what i am today.

"Life's battles don't always go
To stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who knows what he is today."



Unknown said...

nd again u proved that r the best my brother.. i, almost everyday use to think all these things wat i learned in the school, wat my teachers taught me bt was nver able to put them in words nd today i feel as if u have stolen all my thoughts... again a gr8 one brother.. keep it up

Unknown said...

hey shashank....ds blog is too gud man....
worth reading!!
i really appreciate all ur thoughts....

rajeev.ran01 said...

dear fren,
teachers...are burning candles(we all know this)
But hardly we remember them after we achieve heights...

I would ask everyone to read this article..
Great dude...
I salute you

silence_mystified said...

this article genuinely touched my heart.... how important a teacher is in every individual's life, can never be gauged... its they who make us, who help us stand out as individuals !!!
great article..
keep up the good work
kuddos to yu man!!!

Perspectives said...

the lincoln's letter is indeed heart touching and every line of it is worth being a quote...yours moved me a lot, and would beyond doubt move every person who reads this. your this post made me resurrect the importance of good teachers. few creations of god are simply marvelous...
well done...

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